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Feb. 21, 2023

The Content Closet - Part 4

The Content Closet - Part 4

Who Do You Create Content For?

Welcome back to my series; this is the fourth post in our writing content series, and we’re covering an important topic: who do you write content for?  


You know why you need to create content, how much is too much, and how to create content; the next question is, who are you making for? 


For many small businesses, the short answer is that they’re writing for potential clients.  It seems like an honest answer, but let’s dig a little deeper. Who are their potential clients?


The answer may be more challenging than you think. Here are some of the responses I hear when I ask that question to my potential and current clients:


  1. Everyone.
  2. I don’t know.
  3. Not people I’m getting as clients now. I don’t like them. 
  4. And others start going down a list of generic, although accurate, demographics. 


It’s essential to know who you’re creating for now that we’re in a “post-COVID-19 virus” era. According to business.com, consumers want more creativity, connection, and inspiration from brands. 


The small companies that stand out will creatively entertain those searching for their unique solution. Another trend of consumers has socially curated social media feed only to see what brings them joy. 


And although I still will have the occasional ad that is trying to sell me content, I realize they haven’t changed their messaging from the ads I saw before the pandemic; I applaud them for knowing it’s time to ramp up their ad spending, but they aren’t speaking to the current dilemmas facing my business, and they are certainly not piquing my interest with creative ads. 


During the pandemic, one online coach spoke to me through all the noise. I hired her within the week. Why? She knew her target market and wrote content that addressed where I was in business. She quickly pivoted her messaging without changing her target market. 


So, who do you write for?  Here’s what I do to find out:


  1. Write down or dust off your general audience description - Sure, knowing you're general demographic is excellent, but be as specific as possible.
  2. I love using senior care as an example. If you serve seniors, they may be in the age range of 65+. Let’s face it,e are 65+ that are active and youthful, and 65+ that require more care. Which demographic do you want? 
  3. Break it down again - Most people don’t like to think of their loved ones needing senior care, but an emergency happens. Does your target market hire you when you have an emergency, or do you prefer to work with planners? 
  4. The decision-makers - Keeping the senior care example going, do you write and target the children of seniors because they are deciding for their parents? Or do you target the seniors because they are making their own decision?
  5. When to talk to your target market - If you decide your target market hires you in an emergency, when are you starting the conversation? Hopefully, long before they know they need you!
  6. The last step - Once you have the demographics for the basics above, write your target market characteristics. As important as basic demographics are, nothing is more important than liking who you work with. I want my clients to be people I want to hang out with on a Friday night. (Even if it’s only on Zoom now.)


When you know who you’re writing for, it’s easier to write for them. You will understand how they feel, who they are, and what pushes them to take action. 


After all, is said and done, if you’re stuck and have no idea who you’re writing content for, schedule a free clarity call with me. I’d love to help!