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Nov. 2, 2022

Piule Cassandra - Leading a sustainable lifestyle + harmonizing our modern lives with natural systems

Piule Cassandra - Leading a sustainable lifestyle + harmonizing our modern lives with natural systems

Are you a female entrepreneur wondering how to be more sustainable regarding health and well-being? What if you could create a personal life ecosystem that allowed you to make new choices to bring your life into greater balance?

This week on the Wellness and Wealth podcast, Piule Cassandra of Sage and Wild Rose shares how she discovered the next evolution in healthcare that heals frequencies for greater well-being. This episode will cover how to bring your life ecosystem in balance.

In this episode, Piule Cassandra answers the following questions:
What does living a sustainable lifestyle mean?
Is a sustainable lifestyle more than environmental issues?
How do you make sustainable lifestyle choices before an outside force demands them?
What are the warning signs that your nonsustainable lifestyle is holding you back?
How does life's physical clutter affect your mindset and business?

Are you a female entrepreneur wondering how to be more sustainable regarding health and well-being? What if you could create a personal life ecosystem that allowed you to make new choices to bring your life into greater balance? 

This week on the Wellness and Wealth podcast, Piule Cassandra of Sage and Wild Rose shares how she discovered the next evolution in healthcare that heals frequencies for greater well-being. This episode will cover how to bring your life ecosystem in balance. 

In this episode, Piule Cassandra answers the following questions: 

  • What does living a sustainable lifestyle mean?
  • Is a sustainable lifestyle more than environmental issues? 
  • How do you make sustainable lifestyle choices before an outside force demands them? 
  • What are the warning signs that your nonsustainable lifestyle is holding you back?
  • How does life's physical clutter affect your mindset and business? 

Guest Offer: Connecting people to Healy and supporting holistic wellness with healing frequencies

Guest Link: https://sageandwildrose.com/discover-healy-holistic-wellbeing


Connect with Wendy Manganaro:  


Piule Cassandra

[00:00:00] Wendy (2): Hi everyone. It's Wendy Manganaro of Wellness and Wealth. I'm so excited today starts Season Two. I can't believe that I've been releasing shows for the last three months. I hope that you have enjoyed them as much as I've enjoyed the journey of interviewing and editing and getting these out to our listeners. 

In season Two, things are going to be a little bit different as I've had such an awesome response to the show. We are now going to be producing two shows a week. That's right. Two shows a week, one mid week. Self-care podcast and one weekend edition of the podcast. And so today's edition is your weekday edition. 

In the middle of your week, when you need that reminder, that self-care is not selfish. And that there are so many ways to self care on every level. The more I get into this, the more I understand. Really truly self care is for all female entrepreneurs. Self-care reminds us we are important. We Are worthy. We Are loved. 

We are the women who are going to change the world. But in order to do that, we have to self care so we can show up better for our business. So we'll get back to our regular show today. And just remember. This show Wellness to Wealth is self care from the practical to the woo-woo. 

 Today we have another great guest. We're gonna read her bio, we're gonna get right into it, and it's exciting as always. I wanna welcome Ms. Piule Cassandra, and I'm gonna read her bio, Piule assists people to lead a sustainable lifestyle in terms of wellbeing, Sage and Wild Rose, which I love the name of your company, by the way, Natural and Sustainable Lifestyle blog is another extension of the work that she supports in terms of harmonizing our modern lives with natural systems. Her work and wellbeing is focused deeply in healing frequencies and healthy choices to bring greater coherence and harmony to our bodies and have sustainable lifestyles. This wellbeing focus is, Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

And which I love because that's how this whole show started in the first place. We show up better for life and for our business and for our families when we keep those things in the forefront of who and what we are.

So welcome. Thanks for being on the show. 

[00:02:28] Piule Cassandra: Thank you very much, Wendy, for receiving me here. I'm really grateful to be sharing with you and I also feel like that's a really important topic. In this day and age, our wellbeing as an overarching kind of element to all of our ecosystems of our lifestyle, not just in our health in sometimes that it's referred to.

[00:02:52] Wendy: Yeah absolutely. And I wanna kick it off and I think we're gonna have a great conversation today and I hope that a lot of women can identify and if not learn, because there, there's a lot of neat things you're into, I was looking at your website and so I think there's a lot that to learn from you about a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.

[00:03:09] Wendy (2): So for you, what does living a sustainable lifestyle mean to you? 

[00:03:13] Piule Cassandra: So a sustainable lifestyle for me is something that Essentially where all of our ecosystems of my lifestyle, whether that's my business and my relationships, my home, my products what I'm choosing are all essentially making an impact in my own life in terms of is it healthy, is it holistic?

And essentially are those choices that I'm making in each one of my areas of my life, are they having a greater impact that is positive out So for example, if I'm choosing to have a certain product in my life, I know that it's coming from somewhere or something, or somebody.

And is that having a positive or negative impact? If we are choosing products that have chemicals in them or they're cutting down rainforest and various different things. The things that I'm choosing right now in my home and my life, they're having a greater impact in the world. And this happens every day of our life.

It's not just , one choice that we make one time. It's really everything that we are choosing has an impact somewhere. So I'm have been observing that how my choices are, my small actions and how they affect the larger whole, essentially. And so that's what sustainable means to me.

And essentially also, is everything in balance? Is everything like holistic in its nature or is something out of balance? If I'm working too much and I'm depleted, then essentially it's gonna be drawing from my relationships that I have with my children, my home, and so many different factors. So sustainability in itself has a lot to do with balance.

I feel.

[00:04:56] Wendy (2): I love that because when most people think of sustainability, they think of very environmental, right? There's an environmental ideology of what sustainability means and a lot of times we don't personalize that. To make it really holistically fit into all of our life. Like everything from relationships to the products we use, but we don't mix it together.

And I love the idea that you're mixing the two together because with a world that went from burnout to isolation and I feel we don't take that time in between to say how is this impacting myself, my family, and then my community? I think because we start from the outside in, it is a reverse connection. 

[00:05:43] Piule Cassandra: Yeah, I agree with that. And also I feel there's a tendency to get locked into Oh, the issues are too big outside of me, that I'm not gonna make any choices to address the planet because it's like, it's way too big for me to think like that.

And yet essentially if we draw it back to looking at our choices ecologically first within us and how we're making our everyday choices, in our communication and our connection in our business and our products, then we really can address the situation. Regards to the planet because every little like thing that we make a choice of here, this tiny one little thing.

For example, if we take our reusable cup every day, we are limiting the impact of thousands and thousands of tons of trash that you know of plastic that goes in the trash every year, and that's a really big thing. This small little thing that we can choose to do makes this really big impact on the planet.

And so bringing it back to ourselves, I feel like we can also have a greater relationship with making the change. That is really needed in the planet rather than feeling really overwhelming. And how do we start, making these shifts. Yet really that big planetary shift starts within each one of us, like in our lifestyles.

[00:07:11] Wendy (2): So I have to tell you a story. I'm back in New Jersey and I love my state, but I lived away from here and on the fourth of this past May, the whole states said that you cannot use grocery bags or brown paper bags anymore. Everything has to be a reusable bag. In my local grocery store, you would think the world was ending. It's really funny cuz now I'm standing in line and everybody is talking about it. Shopping carts are being left in line. It's hysterical. Nobody can stop talking about the fact that we have to bring bags or by them while you're there. 

[00:07:43] Piule Cassandra: That is really wonderful. And essentially that's how we feel, right? When we first have to make these changes, we were like, Whoa, hang on.

And then next minute we just make the shift or put in an order for our reusable canvas bags and we put them in the car every day and then we always have them and then that is becomes normal for us and that's what it's like when we make these shifts and changes essentially.

[00:08:07] Wendy (2): It's hysterical cuz I had the nicest man in front of me in the grocery store and he's all, life is good. I got nothing complain about. And then he spent the next 10 minutes complaining about the bags and I'm like, this is so funny.

 But it goes to show that I think sometimes as we make these shifts, sometimes they are outside and forced on us. and then like you said, we complain and we get used to it, and then we move on. But sometimes, especially when we're talking about a sustainable lifestyle for balance. It's forced on us because we're exhausted. And it doesn't work anymore. There's that onus of how do you make that choice prior to something else forcing you? 

[00:08:47] Piule Cassandra: And sometimes the way that we do find balance is the hard path, right? Like you said, most of the times, the shifts and changes that happen are in our lives sometimes because we have gone so far out of balance. And I believe that we can see that in reflection to the planet right now as well as our own personal lives. I know that for myself, being an entrepreneur and running businesses and having a family in this modern day and age, everything is very, we want the most convenient and we want to be filling our space with more things and essentially, we get very overwhelmed. And it puts a lot of extra stress on our lifestyles and who we are.

And that would be this thing that led me walking down the path of really passionate about sustainability and helping other people have sustainability in their own lives. Came about from the fact of me actually having imbalance and acknowledging, Oh my God, I'm stressed out running my businesses and, my, essentially my immune system had, gone down because of that, it tends to, when we are under stress and pressure, our immune systems tend to drop a lot more.

And essentially being a woman, we are very hormonal creatures, and I noticed that. When we're under stress, our cortisone levels go really high. That's just the fight or flight response that stress has in our body, and essentially our hormones got out of balance. And then when our hormones are outta balance, we're feeling depleted.

We can have anger and frustration. And these are, it's a domino effect, right? Once, one little thing. In our wellbeing, whether our ecosystem of our body goes out of balance. It then essentially knocks that little domino onto the rest and then if we take a step back, we can observe that our whole system is out of balance. And so really that's what got me into sustainability. Supporting other people and wanting to make, a greater impact in the world and help people to make those changes too. 

[00:10:56] Wendy: I think that there's something about that because I think that's what happens. What was your warning signs or what could be warning signs to other women to say, I am not living as sustainable as an entrepreneur. Because I think that for whatever reason, for me, I will walk around for days going, I'm tired, and then go, Wait a second.

There's something else going on. That's my warning sign where I'm like, I'm constantly tired that means there's something that's off with me and I have to listen to it. So what are, what do you notice that's warning signs? And I'd love for you to talk about products in our environment that's not working for us sustainably because that could be playing into it too?

[00:11:36] Piule Cassandra: Yeah. This is such a great topic that you're covering here and I think it's so beneficial for so many of us to have these conversations as normal conversations. And essentially for me, what I've noticed is rather than feeling like really open and having a place where everything flows really easily and I'm feeling peaceful and, I know that I'm feeling balanced and my creative is happening in my business. It's happening in my dance and my art. It happens in my relationships and my communication. All of these things, essentially when I'm balanced and my energy levels are sustainable and I'm well taken care of, and I'm taking care of myself. Utilizing the tools, right?

Essentially it has to do with, having the right tools in our basket to address, these levels. I noticed that if I'm under stress and pressure I automatically will notice a feeling of being closed off or under pressure, and rather than being Oh, let me extend myself a little bit more and how can I help with this?

And let me take the time. I'll find myself wanting to cut corners or I'm getting frustrated, or I just don't feel peaceful and relaxed. And those are indicators for me, around when I'm out of balance, when my vibration is also out of balance. Checking in, like you said.

So many of us have, especially as women, we are so resilient and particularly mothers that have a resiliency about them. They'll forget about the little signs until there's a state of depletion or burnout or breakdown. So if we can catch those before and our time during the day, that is sustainable for ourself. Meditation has been a really incredible tool for me. And that doesn't look like meditation. The same for everybody. And meditation doesn't also mean we need to be able to sit down on a. Fluffy little cushion in a room with singing balls.

Either what does that mean? We are sitting at our desks during the day, or we're playing with our children, or we're out running errands. Can we take a breath in and recenter ourselves and pull out external energy that internalized out and spread thin back into our body.

Can we reenter ourselves, Take a beautiful breath of fresh air, come deeply into the center of our heart and then just make our next action from that place that is a hugely sustainable thing to be doing. And it eliminates a lot of this build up and we can do it as a part of our daily life. We don't need to necessarily be like I can't take half an hour. Sometimes we feel like that to do that and we find the places of how to fit what meditation or taking a breath for ourselves or slowing down looks like in part of our daily activities, I think is big key. 

[00:14:42] Wendy: I love that you say that because I can't tell you how many people I have met over the course of doing spiritual work and they hear the word meditation and it's this thing, they've got the fly to India.

And I'm like, No, just a breath in. Just take a step and a moment to recenter. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant and I love the idea of this breath because one of the things I've learned for myself is the one thing that happens from life to death is our breath. Yeah. . And I'm always like, Thank God. We were never like given the power to choose breath because half of us would take ourselves out.

[00:15:20] Piule Cassandra: So true. 

[00:15:21] Wendy (2): But it's so natural and innate that we forget what a gift it is to take time to actually do that and be cognizant of the miracle and how that recenters us because it is the one thing that stays with us for as long as we're on this planet. 

[00:15:36] Piule Cassandra: Yeah, I agree with that. The breath, these very primary foundational elements of our being are actually the greatest gifts for us to connect to, and we don't need anything else.

To resource them. One is our heart and two is our breath, and these are incredible. And when we resource them and come into a deeper relationship with both of these, I believe they are really important factors around like us having true wellbeing, and a right relationship with ourselves first and the people and our loved ones that we're communicating with the heart itself is the first thing that when we are.

Being created in the belly as a fetus. It's the first thing that gets created in each one of us. So essentially it's our central point and our heart, though, we have a tendency to be very sensitive as creatures. As human beings, we are very naturally sensitive people. And the fact that we have such an overwhelming world.

It it desensitizes us to actually wanting to connect in with our heart, which becomes a big important factor around learning how to listen to when our body is giving us indications of when we're out of balance and where we can need to make adjustments. Like pretty much automatically

[00:17:10] Wendy (2): Yeah and I love that idea that the heart's the first thing and again, I don't know if we pay enough attention to it. And I never like to make blanket statements for everyone, but I know that especially for women the busier we are the less we pay. And you said something key before too, when you're off centered, suddenly you don't want to do anything for anybody else. You want to cut corners. And as soon as I'm like, I'm not answering that phone , I know I'm off.

When I start saying I can't, I'm off. And it's time to recenter myself because that means I had given out so much that I haven't taken the time to recenter to come into the balance. And then I feel like doing one more thing for you is gonna just completely drain me as opposed to being able to have energy and want to do service. But it gets to the point where I'm like, I haven't taken any time for me so I need to be able to recharge to give something to you. 

[00:18:02] Piule Cassandra: Yeah. And also this it's great that we're talking about this because I can hear the reflection in you as well that, a lot of us as women, I can know for myself, like we lose the joy sometimes around why we started something or the joy to be with our family or just this general wellbeing of joy that is essentially is very deeply connected to our creativity and when we have too much going on or we're out of balance and we're not listening, we actually deplete out creativity.

As well, which hinders our joy. And so this comes back to a lot of Oh my God, why am I not feeling this this normal level of joy anymore. And I believe that also comes back to that factor. Of learning how to listen and knowing when we need to say no to certain things and when we need to look towards other tools for us so that we can return to that natural state of 


[00:19:06] Wendy (2): Absolutely. And I do wanna get back to one thing cuz I just want your idea of sustainability. For me, one of the things that I threw out is paper. I don't do paper unless I have to go somewhere else to print something when I have to. We had a mortgage had to print stuff and I was like where am I printing this? Why can't we do this all by email?

Because I just don't live like that. I don't care for paper in that way, because I think that's part of the sustainability. It's about sustainable products, but it's also about I do not want clutter. I know for me it can cause overwhelment. And you can almost tell, depending on the person, like my husband's one of those people, like I can always tell his inside, based on this outside looks like all of a sudden I'm like what is all that? And I can know he is off because all of a sudden there this clutter that collects with you. And it's almost a reflection of how you feel inside. So I'd love for you to talk about that because I think that there's certainly, especially for entrepreneurs, there's better ways for us to do business and not. Have clutter and things that are just, I don't wanna say, and I love beautiful things, but just this idea of this constant clutter that's not sustainable that we bring into our environment that isn't healthy for us and actually cause more overwhelming than peace when we're trying to work. 

[00:20:18] Piule Cassandra: Yeah, definitely. I agree with you on that. People would be maybe consider it minimalist. Yeah. I don't necessarily label too many things. I like yourself, I like my space to be very open. I notice when I have an open space, I have more open space within myself. That's another thing that I like. My desk is very minimal where I work. Sometimes I'll take my laptop outside. And I like having that space. I feel like my mind is so much more spacious when my environment reflects the same thing, and it's so interesting. That generally, like you said, also that external environment reflects how we are what's going on inside of us.

And so if we're able to observe that and pick up on little things, we are also able to make those shifts and changes. First. I agree that sometimes it goes back and forth. Sometimes if we clean our environment and get very, clear in our environment, that helps our inner world become very clear.

And then sometimes it's the other way around that what we are needing is to clear our mind because, if our mind is not clear and we have a clear channel in our body that is spacious, we're not going to then wanna take the incentive to take action on our external world, because we feel overwhelmed.

We have too much within our own inner container. That for us to even consider taking care of the house, or various different things. So I believe that is a very deep connection to us and our internal world and the external world around us.

[00:21:57] Wendy (2): I agree. We moved recently and my husband said, sometimes it takes people six months to move outta boxes.

I'm like, no. We cannot. We cannot. And then I cleared out when we packed and now I'm like, we still need to get rid of stuff. It's too much stuff. I've been loving this time. I'm gonna ask you one more question and then of course we're gonna get to your offer.

I'm always talking about mindful verse, practical solutions so one of the things that you talk about, and you already mentioned was are vibration, right? So what is a, the first step to raising your vibration, either physically, mentally, and spiritually?

Because when you're in a rut and some, sometimes we walk around, we don't even know we're. And then we're like, Oh, that's what it is. So what's that first step once you go oh yeah, I'm looking around, my desk is a mess. Or I don't feel like I have energy to do this. What's going on?

So what's that first step because we are vibrational beings.

[00:22:48] Piule Cassandra: Yeah. This is such a great, I love our conversation and our topic. They're also so important for us. And I feel that vibration, and like you said we are energy beings and so our vibration is this.

Essentially how we're resonating and then we can also tell when our resonation and our vibration and frequency is out of balance or is less than by checking in and getting to know yourself very deeply. How does it feel inside of body? And that level of self care and right relationship with ourselves has a lot to do with rising our vibrational level because I know that I can tell pretty much nearly automatically when my vibration is a little low or it's agitated or it's a little off and sometimes it gets a big off. It just depends. If I have a lot going on and my week is full and then, the family coming home after the end of the day and I still got all these tasks to complete and there can be that level of feeling overwhelmed.

And so I will acknowledge that feeling essentially is my go-to. And so we can find our go-to within our body. Our body is An incredible biofeedback kind of system to allow us to know I'm out of balance right now, and what do I need to do to get myself back in balance?

And the primary thing that I keep coming back to is, one, having the tools. And for me, the go-to tools are something that I can have during every part of my day. That makes it sustainable, because we can't always be taking half an hour out. So what are these tools that I found, that help me with that?

And essentially I come back to the level of meditation again and breath and heart centered living. How do I connect in with my heart and breathe into my space and let go e verything. We can do that in a matter of five to 10 seconds. You can give yourself one minute to do that.

That can be done at your desk. That can be done in your kitchen cooking. That can be done sitting outside. That can be done running errands. It can be done standing in a line. So there's not a reason. Where this like really valuable tool comes, is not available to us. And taking that moment to breathe into my heart and to my center and letting everything go. Everything. And we need to make a habit of doing that because it opens up space in our being. Then we get to know how we are feeling, what's right for us, Where do we need to put boundaries up right now? Where do we need to delegate? All of it. The list goes on and meditation and honestly,

Working with Healy. I think that's how I found Healy in the first place. It's a vibrational tool, an element focus towards supporting our wellbeing and me running two businesses and my family and noticing that my emotional, my thyroid essentially was out of balance. And I'm looking always for alternative options because if we go to a doctor they're gonna treat the symptom. Rather than the totality of what every else is going on in our lifestyle. Maybe we are under stress. Maybe we've had a family member die. Maybe our business isn't doing so well and so these are all factors that relate to our health and wellbeing.

And so if you go to a doctor and they're gonna say, Hey, and I love doctors. Saying this, I just am empowering us to take care of our wellbeing on a very holistic level that might not be always addressed in the most optimal way from the symptoms. 

[00:26:35] Wendy (2): I hundred percent Percent agree with that. We've had other people on the show and I love talking about doctors, I survived cancer as a baby, so I'm all for doctors, but I also know that I have to take the onus of wellbeing in order to work with my doctor.

I can't just depend on them and. Go that treatment didn't work. It's gotta be a lifestyle to make sure that. Is working when there really is an issue. 

[00:26:58] Piule Cassandra: Yeah, I agree with that. Yeah, that's a really big thing. Looking at our lifestyles and our quote unquote our issues and our challenges, whether that's health, whether that's in our relationships.

If we're not looking at the holistic totality of things, we're not going to be able to treat it on a very holistic level. So this is really a point around sustainability that I feel that sustainability and the word holistic and to be health and wholly, they all are like they work together. They have a very interconnected relationship. And so when we're taking care of our health and our wellbeing and our business and the health of our business on a holistic level, Really, essentially it's gonna allow our lifestyles to be much more sustainable. And sustainable means that. For example, fear is not a sustainable thing, right?

we're in a state of fear or stress, essentially. It's not sustainable love on the other hand, and the vibration of love and compassion and certain higher vibrations, they're sustainable. For us. They hope they bring us energy, They offer like nourishment to other areas of our life and our lifestyles.

So that essentially means that it's a sustainable model, in that level. And Yeah, that's how I've been finding the tools that work for me and also encourage other women in their businesses. Especially if you are starting out on the journey of being an entrepreneur or much like all of us, we're had to pivot our businesses in the last, two years.

We've had to pivot out lifestyles in the last two years. And what does that mean? Does that mean If something is unsustainable for us, It's just not gonna be able to keep going. And so essentially that's how working with meditation, knowing my body really well, and knowing where my vibrational element also has a lot of connection towards my health, of my body and my wellbeing, and especially my energy level.

That's really also how I found Healy, and Healy came into my life because it's a vibrational tool and it's actually bio resonance technology that supports the body on a holistic manner it offers support so that the body can do its own self-healing. So it's a very empowerment tool that we can have.

And like I said, again, these tools need to be for me, something that I can do when I'm sitting at my desk, while I'm working, where I'm driving in the car, where I'm cooking food, my afternoon dinner for the kids, if I'm washing, if I'm running around the house, I can do meditation. I can run my Healy

And so I was like, Wow, you fit into my life, Healy, in such a way that it improves my life and I'm able to do it like anywhere. And so these are really big factors for me of sustainable tools that I can have everywhere. And so that's essentially how I found Healy, and Healy came into my life because I'm always looking for very holistic methods of how can I bring greater wellbeing into my daily life?

How can I support that wellbeing and my family and my relationships, on that level. 

[00:30:14] Wendy (2): I love that, and I love that you have spent this time with us. It's Been wonderful and I think we've all learned so much from it. I know that you have an offer. I'd love for you to tell our audience how they can find you, what your offer is for them.

[00:30:25] Piule Cassandra: Thank you so much for your time also, Wendy. I'm excited to listen to our show. And so yeah, I support people with having Healy in their life as well. Healy is an incredible bio resonance, as I understand it's a healthy technology for. It basically supports our wellbeing of our body by offering vibrational frequencies that are healing frequencies through a Healy coil, which you can just wear on your body during your day when you're running errands, when you're in the car, when you're driving.

I like to use it when I'm sitting at my computer and working a lot, and really Healy is, it's supporting our body. To engage in the healing that the buddy does anyway, the buddy self heals. So if we can provide nourishment and vibrational frequencies and and all these other very nourishing and holistic levels to our body, then our body is naturally going to support itself through imbalancing, rebalancing your hormones, releasing anger and stress and stress is a huge factor around aging as well and creating disease in our body. So Healy provides the body with vibrational frequencies that essentially also you can design your own data. Within your own Healy so I also help people to be able to pick the best Healy for them. It can help. It is great for practitioners and anybody that's in the wellbeing or in the entrepreneurial industry to basically be offering this to their clients and to their people and having more people having healing frequencies in their world.

So I help people have access to that and mentorship. And also picking the right Healy for you. You can also grab a Healy. I have a webpage, it's called Discover Healy Holistic Wellness. On my website, Sage and wild rose.com. And you can go there and then you can buy your Healy, find out about your Healy, and you can also get in touch with me if you would like me to help support you, find the best Healy for you as well.

[00:32:32] Wendy: And can you spell Healy cuz it's felt a little different, so I just wanna make sure that everybody knows. 

[00:32:36] Piule Cassandra: So it's like heal which makes sense. And with a y so it's h e a l y.

[00:32:42] Wendy (2): Thank you so much again for spending time with us. It has been fabulous. I'm looking forward to it and to my audience. Thank you so much and look for our new weekend edition to come out this Saturday. . And until then, have a peaceful, blessed rest of your week. 

[00:32:58] Piule Cassandra: wonderful. Thank you. Likewise. 

Piule CassandraProfile Photo

Piule Cassandra


My name is Piule and I assist people to lead a sustainable lifestyle in terms of wellbeing. Sage and Wild Rose natural + sustainable lifestyle blog is another extension of the work that I support in terms of harmonizing our modern lives with natural systems. My work in wellbeing is focused deeply in healing frequencies and healthy choices to bring greater coherence and harmony to our bodies and have sustainable lifestyles. This wellbeing focus is physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.