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Amelia Dodson

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Are you a female entrepreneur whose inner critic is constantly chirping at you throughout the day with its running commentary about everything you’re doing wrong? Does your mean voice nag you about how you’re failing or will likely fail? Are you ready to change your mean voice?
This week on the Wellness and Wealth podcast, Amelia Dodson of Mama Love shares that the Mean Voice’s job is to remind you about your perceived limits so that you don’t dare to question or step outside of them. She also shares a 3-step exercise you can use to take control back from the Mean Voice and start making progress towards changing your habits and achieving your goals.
In this episode, Amelia Dodson answers the following questions:
What happens when you try to resist your Mean Voice?
What are the warning signs that your Mean Voice is running your business?
Does willpower work long-term?
Why is it essential to find a schedule that works for you and your business?
Would you speak to your best friend the way you talk to yourself?

Oct. 19, 2022

Amelia Dodson - 3 Steps to Conquering Your Mean Voice

Are you a female entrepreneur whose inner critic is constantly chirping at you throughout the day with its running commentary about everything you’re doing wrong? Does your mean voice nag you about how you’re failing or will likely fail? Are …

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